Instructions to Authors: Acta Arachnologica

last update 2024.09.01

Acta Arachnologica is devoted to the study of arachnids and myriapods. Even non-members of the society may submit papers.
Manuscript selection is made by the Editorial Board.


  1. Manuscripts must be written in English or Japanese.
  2. Manuscripts should be prepared with Microsoft Word.
  3. Authors should prepare manuscripts with special care, referring to the current issue of the journal.
  4. Available space for an article will be limited to 30 printed pages (including tables, figures, etc.). For printing extra pages additional cost must be borne by the authors.
  5. The 1st page should be "Title page". Place abstract, keywords, and main body at the 2nd page and after.


Mr. Yuya Suzuki (Managing Editor)
< (please replace "+at+" with "@") >

Title page

  1. Title page should include the name(s) and postal address(es) of the author(s), and a running title (less than 50 characters).
  2. Title should be less than 50 words.
  3. Scientific names, for example, of an order, a family and a genus should be separated by a colon.


  1. Length should not exceed 250 words.


  1. Provide up to 7 appropriate keywords.


  1. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on A4 paper leaving wide margins (each margin at least 3 cm). Page numbers and line numbers (consecutive numbers in entire text) should be inserted using page footer function and page setup function respectively.
  2. Distinguish a hyphen (-), an N-dash (–) and an M-dash (—) (e.g. use an N-dash to indicate a range of page numbers in “References” section).
  3. In citing the date of publication of a scientific name, the name of the author and the date should not be separated by a comma.


  1. References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in the following forms. The name of the journal cited should not be abbreviated.
  2. Logunov, D. V., Ikeda, H. & Ono, H. 1997. Jumping spiders of the genus Harmochirus, Bianor and Stertinius (Araneae, Salticidae) from Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Tokyo, Series A, 23: 1–16.
    Tanaka, K. 1989. Energetic costs of web construction and its effects on web relocation in the web-building spider Agelena limbata. Oecologia, 81: 459–464.
    Hopkin, S. P. & Read, H. J. 1992. The Biology of Millipedes. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 233 pp.
    Coddington, J. A. 1986. The monophyletic origin of the orb web. Pp. 319–363. In: Shear, W. A. (ed.) Spiders, Webs, Behavior, and Evolution. Stanford University Press, Stanford, 492 pp.
    Benamú, M. A., Lacava, M., García, L. F., Santana, M. & Viera, C. 2017. Spiders associated with agroecosystems: Roles and perspectives. Pp. 275–302. In: Viera, C. & Gonzaga, M.O. (eds.) Behaviour and Ecology of Spiders: Contributions from the Neotropical Region, 457 pp.

  3. If the author translates the title into English, please write the following:
  4. Koshidaka, N. 2017. [Foraging behavior of a bagworm upon an orbweb]. Kishidaia, 111: 13–15. (in Japanese)

  5. Citation of web data:
  6. Yu, D.S., van-Achterberg C. & Horstmann. K. 2012. Taxapad 2012. Ichneumonoidea 2011. Taxonomy, biology, morphology and distribution. Online at, accessed on November 3, 2018.
    Zapparoli, M. 2006. Lithobiidae. In: Minelli, A., Bonato, L., Dioguardi, R. (eds.) Chilobase. A web resource for Chilopoda taxonomy. Online at, accessed on December 14, 2020.


  1. Figures should be designed for two-column (17.5 cm wide) or one-column (8.5 cm) printing. Colored figures or plates are available at the author’s expense.
  2. If the author does not wish to print in color, the figures should be prepared on the assumption that they will be printed in black and white.
  3. A scale bar should be included for all figures concerning morphological characters in principle.

Figure captions

  1. Figure captions, typed double-spaced, should be set out on a separate page in the following forms:
    Figs. 1–5. X-us y-us n. sp., male holotype (1–3) and female paratype (4–5). 1, habitus; 2, left palp, ventral view; 3, same, retrolateral view; 4, epigynum, ventral view; 5, internal genitalia, dorsal view. Scales = 1 mm (1); 0.2 mm (2–5).
    Fig. 1. X-us y-us n. sp., male holotype (A–C) and female paratype (D–E). A, habitus; B, left palp, ventral view; C, same, retrolateral view; D, epigynum, ventral view; E, internal genitalia, dorsal view. Scales = 1 mm (A); 0.2 mm (B–E).

Supplimental materials

  1. Authors can submit supplemental materials (additional tables and figures, audio data, and video) with the manuscript. The supplemental materials will be considered by referees, and then will be open in J-Stage Data.
  2. The data stored in J-Stage Data are treated as permissible for secondary use. The license can be selected from the following: CC-0 / CC BY-SA 4.0 / CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 / CC BY-ND 4.0 / CC BYNC 4.0 / CC BY 4.0 / Apache-2.0 / GPL-3.0 / GPL-2.0 / GPL / MIT / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  3. After publication of description or redescription of spider species, it is strongly recommended for the author(s) to register the species trait information (measurements such as body length) into the World Spider Trait database < > after publication.

Video article

  1. Authors can submit a manuscript based on video data which should include new knowledge about Arachinida or Myriapoda. The video data will be open in J-Stage Data ( after the acceptance of the manuscript. The video data will bear unique DOI, and will be accessible in online.

Short Communications

  1. Short Communications are limited to 2 journal pages, including tables and figures. Internal headings (Materials and methods, Results, etc.) are omitted. It should be approximately 1000 words including abstract, main text, acknowledgements and references.


  1. A galley proof will be sent to the corresponding author. The corrected proof must be returned to the Editor within 3 days of receipt.


  1. Reprints may be obtained at cost in blocks of 50 copies. A free colored PDF file will be provided to the corresponding author of each paper. The number of reprints required should be indicated on the first page of the manuscript (or on the galley proof).
  2. The cost of color printing and special printing of figures and tables must be borne by the authors. However, at the request of the editorial board, some figures and tables can sometimes be printed in color free of charge.

Enforcement date

  1. These rules apply to articles submitted after December 2023.