Instructions to Authors: Acta Arachnologica

  1. Acta Arachnologica is devoted to the study of arachnids and myriapods. Even non-members of the society may submit papers.
  2. Manuscripts must be written in English or Japanese.
  3. Authors should submit manuscripts by e-mail to the managing editor:
    Dr. Takeshi YAMASAKI < (please replace "+at+" with "@") >.
    Manuscripts should be prepared with Microsoft Word.
  4. Manuscript selection is made by the Editorial Board.
  5. Authors should prepare manuscripts with special care, referring to the current issue of the journal.
  6. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on A4 paper leaving wide margins (each margin at least 3 cm). Page numbers and line numbers (consecutive numbers in entire text) should be inserted using page footer function and page setup function respectively. Available space for an article will be limited to 30 printed pages (including tables, figures, etc.). For printing extra pages additional cost must be borne by the authors.
  7. The manuscript should include (i) a succinct title, (ii) full name(s) and address(es) of author(s), (iii) abstract (normally less than 250 words), (iv) up to seven key words, (v) text, (vi) references, and, if necessary, (vii) tables, figures with their explanations. Of these, only (i) and (ii) should be presented on the cover page together with name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author, and a running title (less than 50 characters).
  8. Figures should be designed for two-column (17.5 cm wide) or one-column (8.5 cm) printing. [Colored figures or plates are available at the author’s expense.]
  9. Figure captions, typed double-spaced, should be set out on a separate page.
  10. Reprints may be obtained at cost in blocks of 50 copies. A free PDF file will be provided to the corresponding author of each paper. The number of extra reprints required should be indicated on the first page of the manuscript (or on the galley proof).
  11. A galley proof will be sent to the corresponding author. The corrected proof must be returned to the Editor within 3 days of receipt.